
One of the key benefits of using tiling window managers is the ability to easily extend functionality through custom Bash scripts. Embracing this flexibility, I created a Bash script specifically designed to track prayer times. This script integrates with various status bars and notification daemons, offering a streamlined way to stay informed about prayer times directly from your desktop environment.

Quick Start

To quickly install the prayer times script, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Run the installation script:
cd prayer-times



Before using the script, you need to have the following dependencies installed on your system:

  • jq
  • at
  • yad
  • mpv
  • curl
  • dunst (for X11)
  • polybar (for X11)
  • mako (for Wayland)
  • waybar (for Wayland)
  • Nerd Font (recommended)


sudo apt install jq at yad mpv curl dunst polybar mako waybar


sudo dnf install jq at yad mpv curl dunst polybar mako waybar


sudo pacman -S jq at yad mpv curl dunst polybar mako waybar


You need to copy the files from 0xzer0x/prayer-times to the following paths:

  • .local/bin: ~/.local/bin
  • .local/share/qatami_takbeer.mp3: ~/.local/share/qatami_takbeer.mp3
  • .config/systemd/user: ~/.config/systemd/user


To configure the prayer-times script, you’ll need to set the following parameters inside the script:

  • lat: latitude
  • long: longitude
  • method: calculation method
  • print_lang: language to print prayer times schedule in (ar/en)
  • notify: notification daemon (mako/dunst)

Systemd Unit

To sync the prayers calendar and create the at jobs automatically, you can activate one of the following Systemd services based on your preferences:

  • On boot: systemctl --user enable --now prayer-times.service
  • On boot + every 8 hours: systemctl --user enable --now prayer-times.timer

Bar Module

To add the next prayer to your statusbar, you will need to add a custom module to your bar’s config.


  • Add the following to your Polybar config
  • Modify colors according to your liking (replace #83CAFA)
type = custom/script
exec = $HOME/.local/bin/prayer-times status
interval = 60
label = %{A:$HOME/.local/bin/prayer-times yad:}%{F#83CAFA}󱠧 %{F-} %output%%{A}


  • Add the following custom module to your Waybar config
  • You can style the module using the class of the next prayer (e.g. Asr)
"custom/prayers": {
  "interval": 60,
  "return-type": "json",
  "exec": "$HOME/.local/bin/prayer-times waybar",
  "on-click": "$HOME/.local/bin/prayer-times yad",
  "format": "󱠧  {}",

Athan Notification


  • Add the following rule to your dunstrc file (~/.config/dunst/dunstrc)
summary = "Prayer Times"
script = "$HOME/.local/bin/toggle-athan"


  • Add the following criteria/rule to mako config (~/.config/mako/config)
[summary="Prayer Times"]
on-notify=exec $HOME/.local/bin/toggle-athan
on-button-left=exec $HOME/.local/bin/toggle-athan

Prayer Times Window

  • Window Title: Prayers
  • Configure your window manager to show the Yad window in floating mode and you’re all set!
  • Example window rule for Hyprland
windowrulev2 = float,class:(yad)
windowrulev2 = move cursor -50% 30,title:(Prayers)